

The DrySolator is a fully disposable single use device. It was designed to simplify a wide variety of dental procedures for both the dentist and patient.

For the patient, a dental appointment promises discomfort as well as unique compliance issues. The patient must control the position of the tongue and is required to hold the mouth open for long periods. Most individuals are  familiar with these experiences and that they represent much of unpleasantness about the dental experience.

For the Dentist, the grappling with these compliance issues can be overwhelming, and always time consuming. Many patients, through no fault of their own, have little sense of their tongue position. Patients wil also inadvertently close their mouths and require numerous reminders to “open wide”. These behaviors distract the dentist and interrupt workflow, as well as exposing the patient to potential injury.

For the profession, these and related problems exert a limiting effect on a practitioner’s revenue stream. With an average of fifteen patients per day, the benefit of a small time savings per procedure is of great value to the dentist. The reduction in the number of redundant and nuisance behaviors is of great value to the individual as well.

DrySolator Design & Features

The DrySolator’s design solves these and other problems; it can shorten dental appointments and provide better working conditions for the practitioner. It’s multi-functional design combines many features while keeping the device simple. During the developmental process many design variations were evaluated. Over a dozen patents were found to describe devices with related functionality. We evaluated each of these designs and found deficiencies in all of them. This explained their absence in the dental operatory. The final DrySolator design best fulfills a dentists (and manufacturors) needs.

During the DrySolator’s design, criteria was developed by which to evaluate, contrast, and target such a device for marketability. These qualities are as follows. 

  • Usability
    DrySolator does not require the practitioner to develop skills unique to its usage. It operates in an intuitive and simple manner.
  • Adaptability
    DrySolator accommodates wide anatomical variations in oral cavity geometry.
  • Comfort
    DrySolator has greater comfort. Patient must tolerate device use for relatively long periods. DrySolator does not initiate the gag reflex.
  • Multi-Functionality
    DrySolator combines many functions to maximize its utility and minimize clutter in an already confined workspace.
  • Stability
    DrySolator remains in place with minimal attendance from the patient, practitioner, or assistant.
  • Access
    DrySolator does not impede the positioning of dental instruments.
  • Cost
    DrySolator does not add significantly to the fixed cost of the procedure.
  • Disposability
    DrySolator’s single use and disposability satisfy infection control and minimize post-use handling and maintenance.


email: Linas G. Vytuvis